
OCR software for hospitality

The 10 best strategies to save costs in a hospitality business

In the hospitality sector, cost savings are key to maintaining the profitability of the business and continuing to offer excellent service to customers. Luckily, there are strategies and tools that can help hospitality businesses reduce expenses and increase the efficiency of their management. In this article, we'll introduce you to the top 10 cost-saving strategies for your hospitality business and automate data mining, so you can focus on delivering an exceptional customer experience!

save costs restaurants software ocr AI from Dijit app to digitize delivery notes and invoices for purchases and expenses

1. Cost control

Cost management is crucial for any business in the hospitality industry. It is essential to keep an exhaustive control of all expenses and analyze them periodically to detect possible areas for improvement. However, performing this task manually can be exhausting and ineffective, especially in an environment where raw material prices can fluctuate constantly.

This is where technology comes into play, and Dijit.app is software that can make a difference. Thanks to its powerful combination of OCR and AI, this software allows you to efficiently control the costs and margins of your products week by week. The Dijit.app system extracts the data from delivery notes and purchase invoices and converts them into useful information, automatically updating the price tags and facilitating the control of raw material costs.

In addition, Dijit.app allows you to keep a detailed track of all the invoices and expense tickets of other products and services of your business, which will allow you to have a complete vision of your income and expenses at all times.

save costs restaurants software ocr AI from Dijit app to digitize delivery notes and invoices for purchases and expenses

2. Inventory control

Inventory control is another key strategy to save costs in a hospitality business. Keeping an updated record of available products allows you to avoid unnecessary purchases and reduce food waste. Dijit.app's AI OCR can be of great help in this task, as it allows you to digitize and organize supplier packing slips, making it easier to track inventory entries and identify potential issues.

3. Time optimization

Time is a valuable resource in any business, especially hospitality. One way to save time is by automating processes such as booking, order and payment management. The use of technological tools allows you to reduce the time spent on administrative tasks and focus on customer service.

Another process where we can save time is in the manual digitization of supplier invoices and delivery notes, an important but unproductive task within the hotel industry. With Dijit.app you will be able to digitize the data of delivery notes and invoices of purchases and expenses in seconds, with greater precision and from a photo or PDF.

save costs restaurants software ocr AI from Dijit app to digitize delivery notes and invoices for purchases and expenses

4. Efficient promotions thanks to correct information

Promotions are an effective way to attract new customers and retain existing ones. However, it is important that promotions are efficient and based on correct information about product margins, so as not to lose money. Dijit.app's OCR with AI can help collect and analyze information about purchases with the information extracted from the prices of products in the delivery notes and updating the price tags in real time.

save costs restaurants software ocr AI from Dijit app to digitize delivery notes and invoices for purchases and expenses

5. Space optimization

Another key strategy to save costs in a hospitality business is space optimization. It is important to maximize the use of available space, be it in the living room, kitchen or storage room. Good space management can allow rent reductions and even the elimination of unnecessary areas.

save costs restaurants software ocr AI from Dijit app to digitize delivery notes and invoices for purchases and expenses

6. Energy saving

Energy saving is an effective strategy to reduce costs in any business, including the hospitality industry. It is important to use equipment with low energy consumption, turn off equipment when not in use, and use LED bulbs.

save costs restaurants software ocr AI from Dijit app to digitize delivery notes and invoices for purchases and expenses

7. Keep Portions Controlled

How to calculate the portions of food to sell in your restaurant? Analyze customer needs to find the ideal size that provides value for the price paid and protects your margins. It is vital that the entire team is consistent with the portions chosen.

save costs restaurants software ocr AI from Dijit app to digitize delivery notes and invoices for purchases and expenses

8. Opt for a central kitchen

A central kitchen is a food preparation space used to supply multiple centers that are located in different locations. In the central kitchen, the bases, doughs, sauces, among others, are prepared, and then the dishes are finished in the restaurants.

The advantages of a central kitchen are numerous in terms of profitability, such as savings on purchases of raw materials thanks to the ability to negotiate with suppliers when buying in large quantities. Additionally, labor costs are reduced by hiring highly-skilled chefs for production in the central kitchen, rather than for each unit. Efficiency in purchasing equipment is also maximized by purchasing larger equipment for a single space rather than investing in multiple equipment for multiple locations.

In addition, a central kitchen can generate new sources of income if a processed product, such as a sauce, is very popular, which would allow it to be sold to other restaurants or businesses and thus explore new markets.

save costs restaurants software ocr AI from Dijit app to digitize delivery notes and invoices for purchases and expenses

9. Negotiation with suppliers

To ensure a quality service and reduce costs in your hospitality business, it is essential to have good communication and management of your suppliers. However, even if you have a great relationship with them, it is important not to be dependent on a single provider.

Furthermore, in an environment where the prices of raw materials can fluctuate on a daily basis, it is crucial to be aware of the prices offered by different suppliers in real time. In this way, you will be able to better compare and negotiate prices and conditions, which will allow you to obtain better offers and save on costs.

With Dijit.app, you will have at your disposal the most advanced technology in OCR and AI to keep an exhaustive control of your supplier prices. This will allow you to have accurate and up-to-date information to negotiate with them more effectively and get the best deals.

Thanks to its powerful data extraction system, Dijit.app will allow you to digitize and store in an organized way all the purchasing and billing documents of your suppliers, which will allow you to accurately monitor prices and market conditions.

save costs restaurants software ocr AI from Dijit app to digitize delivery notes and invoices for purchases and expenses

10. Use of advanced technology

Using advanced technology such as Dijit.app's AI OCR can be an effective cost-saving strategy for a hospitality business. The automation of processes allows a more efficient management of resources and a reduction in the time dedicated to administrative tasks. In addition, it allows better cost management and quick identification of potential problems and areas for improvement.

In conclusion, there are various strategies to save costs in a hospitality business, such as cost control, efficient inventory management, time savings, space optimization, energy savings, negotiation with suppliers and the use of technology. advanced. In particular, Dijit.app's AI OCR can be a very useful tool in managing invoices, delivery notes and inventories, enabling better cost management and reducing time spent on administrative tasks. With these strategies, any hospitality business can save costs and improve its profitability.

save costs restaurants software ocr AI from Dijit app to digitize delivery notes and invoices for purchases and expenses

Automates data extraction from delivery notes and received invoices with AI and OCR from Dijit.app

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