
Automate data extraction with AI and OCR

How OpenAI Artificial Intelligence and 9 other technologies can help companies in the Hospitality sector

OpenAI and hospitality OCR technology DijiAPP to digitize delivery notes and invoices

From the creators of the famous ChatGPT, OpenAI Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a very powerful tool that can help companies in the hospitality sector to improve their processes, optimizing purchase and inventory control, cost control and scandals. , strategies to sell more and better, marketing strategies, monitoring of accounting and finance, among others. This will allow managers and owners of the hospitality industry in Spain to modernize and optimize their operations.

OpenAI and hospitality OCR technology DijiAPP to digitize delivery notes and invoices

Control of purchases and inventories

OpenAI can help hospitality managers and owners to optimize purchasing and inventory control. This is achieved by entering or "input" data from delivery notes or purchase invoices, sales billing data and the initial inventory of merchandise. With the use of advanced algorithms, it is possible to obtain purchase logics to accurately predict future needs. This enables managers to make faster informed decisions about when and how much to purchase more accurately and efficiently, to meet current and future needs. This also allows for better inventory management, resulting in a significant reduction in operating costs.

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Control of costs and scandals

The "not so loved" scandals can stop being a headache as OpenAI can help control costs by using advanced algorithms, making precise evaluations with the data and accurately predicting the total cost of each dish. This allows for a precise breakdown of the cost per dish based on exact ingredients and measurements. Artificial Intelligence offers the advantage of automating the manual processes of creating and updating schedules, with algorithms that connect data from different sources of information. This makes such an important yet tedious task friendly and easy.

OpenAI and hospitality OCR technology DijiAPP to digitize delivery notes and invoices

Strategies to sell more and better

Every administrator or owner wants to have the correct information in real time to make business decisions and improve sales strategies. For this, OpenAI can be an ideal advisor. This can be achieved by creating algorithms with the flow of information from sales billing and inventories, to find the behavior patterns of customers with our products, as well as to evaluate with maximum speed and precision the products that sell better or worse in the market. function of other data such as profitability or current inventories. In other words, speed up the tasks that every administrator or owner does on a daily basis, but with the help of automated intelligence that makes millions of calculations in seconds. This allows you to make informed decisions about which products to offer and how to promote them to increase sales.

OpenAI and hospitality OCR technology DijiAPP to digitize delivery notes and invoices

Marketing strategies

Continuing with the previous line, OpenAI can help hospitality businesses to optimize their marketing strategies, analyzing which are the dishes or products on which to focus communication. But it can also help in the creation of content and correct the "copy" or the set of words that we will use for each digital marketing channel, social networks or traditional marketing. That way you can reduce costly man hours and launch marketing campaigns more effectively. Many industries are using this technology to create content for their campaigns and "posts" in RRSS, the hospitality industry can also benefit from OpenAI.

OpenAI and hospitality OCR technology DijiAPP to digitize delivery notes and invoices

Accounting and finance monitoring

Through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, OpenAI will allow you to automate processes such as accounting and financial analysis, to save time and resources by optimizing your processes. In addition, OpenAI can also improve financial performance by using predictive analytics tools to predict future trends and make informed decisions. It can also help hospitality businesses improve financial security through the use of fraud detection tools and risk prevention.

OpenAI and hospitality OCR technology DijiAPP to digitize delivery notes and invoices

Other 9 essential technologies for the Hospitality Industry

  1. Management software to optimize the control of purchases and inventories, control of costs and scandals, strategies to sell more and better, marketing strategies, monitoring of accounting and finances, personnel management, among others.
  2. Analytics tools to collect data on customer behavior patterns and the impact of marketing campaigns.
  3. Reservation systems to optimize reservation management.
  4. Payment systems to facilitate payment processing.
  5. Billing systems to optimize invoice management.
  6. Quality management systems to improve the quality of customer service.
  7. Surveillance systems to guarantee the security of the premises.
  8. Mobile systems to facilitate access to data from mobile devices.
  9. OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is a technology that allows computers to read and recognize printed or handwritten text. This technology can be used by companies in the hospitality sector to optimize the processing of documents, such as invoices, receipts, orders, etc. This will allow managers and owners to make informed decisions to improve the profitability and quality of their services.

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