
OCR with AI for invoices and delivery notes: the revolution in document management for SMEs and accounting consultancies

Dijit.app and OpenAI
The perfect alliance to revolutionize document management with OCR and AI for invoices and delivery notes

explosive fusion Dijit app and OpenAI optimizes and automates document management with artificial intelligence and OCR

Find out how integration with OpenAI will help you streamline your processes and automate data extraction with AI OCR from Dijit.app

Can you imagine a system that not only digitizes your delivery notes and invoices, but also automatically assigns units of measure, categories, subcategories and accounting accounts per product? What if you could also assign expense accounts and accounting entries by supplier and even predict purchasing patterns, inventories and cash flows?

Well, this is now a reality thanks to the collaboration between Dijit.app and Open AI. Read on to learn how to automate data extraction with AI and OCR!

Say goodbye to paperwork with dijitapp and openAI (chatgpt) AI OCR

The magic behind the partnership between Dijit.app and OpenAI

Dijit.app is a B2B software that uses OCR technology with AI to digitize delivery notes, invoices and integrate them with management, inventory or accounting systems in SMEs in various sectors such as construction, distribution or hospitality.

What led us to partner with OpenAI?

Our goal has always been to offer innovative solutions that facilitate day-to-day business; That's why we decided to join forces with OpenAI (ChatGPT) – a leading company in artificial intelligence – to take our intelligent OCR technology even further.

document processing management automation data extraction AI OCR Dijit.app and OpenAI

Advanced raw data processing

Thanks to the integration of OpenAI's GPT-4 in our platform, we not only digitize delivery notes and invoices, but we are also able to automatically assign units of measure, categories, subcategories and accounting accounts by product.

Artificial intelligence allows us to recognize patterns in your documents to automatically assign expense accounts and accounting entries based on the provider you work with.

intelligent document processing with dijitapp and openai AI with OCR automates data extraction

Smart prediction: purchases, inventories and cash flows

GPT-4 technology helps us analyze historical trends in your business to predict when you will need to replenish stock or make new purchases; so you can maintain optimal inventory without worrying about running short or accumulating unnecessary surplus.

Artificial intelligence is also capable of anticipating future financial movements based on prior information; This will allow you to keep exhaustive control over your cash flows, avoiding unpleasant surprises.

warehouse logistics distribution automates extraction and document management with DijitApp and OpenAI

Additional benefits of the partnership between Dijit.app and OpenAI

By automating tedious manual processes like manual classification or assignment, you will not only save valuable time but also reduce the workload on your team, allowing them to focus on more strategic and profitable tasks.

Artificial intelligence is much less prone to errors than a human being; By relying on our AI OCR technology, you'll reduce the risk of costly mistakes that can affect your finances or inventory.

automates the digitization of delivery notes and invoices from your suppliers construction promoter with dijit app ocr artificial intelligence

Do you want to implement Dijit.app in your document management?

The partnership between Dijit.app and OpenAI has given rise to a revolution in business management: our platform not only digitizes documents but also processes them automatically, assigning categories, units of measurement and accounting accounts by product; It also predicts purchasing models, inventories and monetary flows to optimize your resources. Don't wait any longer to join this new digital age: try Dijit.app today!

Streamline inventory management with Dijit.app software AI OCR delivery notes supplier invoices

Why trust Dijit.app?

More than 200 establishments have successfully processed more than 250,000 documents with Dijit.app, which complies with all GDPR requirements and European certificates. Its technical team resolves doubts quickly and develops individual requirements according to the client's needs.

Our prestigious technological partners specialized in security, privacy and artificial intelligence guarantee that Dijit.app offers an exceptional and high-quality service.

Is it easy to integrate Dijit.app to other systems?

Dijit.app is designed for easy integration using easy-to-connect APIs. In addition, all the information can be downloaded in Excel or CSV formats with one click to be imported into accounting or inventory systems.

Our partners in security and technology

OCR IA extraction invoices delivery notes - microsoft partners dijit labs automates data extraction invoices and delivery notes OCR IA Dijit.app
OCR IA extraction invoices delivery notes - microsoft for startups dijit labs automates data extraction invoices and delivery notes OCR IA Dijit.app
Extraction OCR IA invoices delivery notes - openAi dijit labs automates data extraction invoices and delivery notes OCR IA Dijit.app

"Discover Dijit.app, the leading OCR and AI solution for accurate, fast and easy digitalization of data from delivery notes and invoices from your suppliers"