
OCR for inventory control in hospitality

Inventory control for the hospitality industry has a new super ally: OCR IA

streamline inventory control with Dijit.app

In the hospitality industry, efficient inventory management is a key factor in ensuring the success and profitability of any restaurant, cafeteria or bar. Owners must deal with challenges such as fluctuating product prices, managing shrinkage, and avoiding losses from expired or damaged products. In addition, maintaining the right balance between available stock and customer demand can make the difference between making a profit or suffering financial losses.

Thanks to OCR IA catering inventories (OCR – Improves inventory control in hospitality), data can be automatically captured from images or scanned documents such as delivery notes and invoices received with high precision. This optical software allows you to convert PDF images to editable formats such as Excel (PDF to Excel), thus facilitating their integration with ERP systems or other accounting programs.

Intelligent optical recognition significantly streamlines this entire process as it extracts relevant information directly from digital files and photographic images without human intervention, thus avoiding common errors associated with manual scanning.

Streamlines inventory control with the digitization of delivery note data with Dijit.app OCR AI

OCR for hospitality inventories: the ally in efficiency and time savings

Efficient and easy-to-use inventory management software can make all the difference in a company's operational success. Below, we present an optimized list with the main characteristics that the ideal inventory control system should have:

1. Easy setup

Software should be easy and intuitive to set up, allowing users to get started quickly without requiring overtime or extensive training.

The ability to automate repetitive tasks like updates, orders, and alerts reduces time spent and minimizes human error.

3. Ease of use

The software should be easy to use, even for those with no previous experience in technology or management systems, and with a simple learning curve.

Streamline inventory management with Dijit.app software AI OCR delivery notes supplier invoices

4. Integration with mobile devices

It must be available on both computers and mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) to facilitate access to data from anywhere.

5. Automatic reading through OCR

The ability to automatically read documents such as invoices, delivery notes and orders using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology, which will allow these documents to be quickly digitized without the need to manually enter the information.

accurate predictions of inventories, costs, sales Dijit.app OCR AI

6. Integrated ordering system

The software must allow you to order raw materials from your suppliers, taking into account current inventory and accurate sales projections.

7. Automatic categorization

Ability to automatically categorize products according to different criteria, such as type, supplier or brand; this streamlines the administrative process and allows a better organization of the inventory.

8. Detailed stock control

Ability to automatically categorize products according to different criteria, such as type, supplier or brand; this streamlines the administrative process and allows a better organization of the inventory.

9. Predictive analytics

Advanced analytics features that help predict future business patterns and inventory needs, based on historical data and trends.

10. Integration with ERP systems

Possibility of integrating the software with other business systems (ERP) to facilitate communication between departments and internal processes.

API integrations with Dijit.app management systems

Why is Dijit.app your ideal ally for inventory control in restaurants, bars and cafeterias?

Dijit.app allows you to manage the income of merchandise and margins of your products with just a photo of the delivery note or invoice during delivery. Below are the advantages that Dijit.app offers:

1. Automatic data extraction: Capture relevant information from delivery notes or invoices from photos or PDF files.

2. efficient organization: Presents the extracted data in an easily readable and exportable format.

3. smart categorization: Automatically classifies products according to families and sub-families (example: olive oil within "oils" and "oils and fats").

4. Precise Drive Assignment: Automatically identifies the appropriate units for each product (kilos for fruit, sacks for potatoes, etc.)

5. Simplified pre-accounting management: Assign specific accounts according to categories such as raw material, packaging or cleaning.

6. Effective control against changes in prices

7. Quick creation and agile update of scandals allowing to monitor margins by product

8. Automatic reconciliation between delivery notes and invoices ensuring correct payments

9. Optimized Accounting Allocations facilitating pre-accounting organized by suppliers

10. Easy integration with existing ERP systems or other software

With Dijit app enjoy more fluid and intelligent inventory management, perfectly adapting to the specific needs of the gastronomic sector

Our partners in security and technology

OCR IA extraction invoices delivery notes - microsoft partners dijit labs automates data extraction invoices and delivery notes OCR IA Dijit.app
OCR IA extraction invoices delivery notes - microsoft for startups dijit labs automates data extraction invoices and delivery notes OCR IA Dijit.app
Extraction OCR IA invoices delivery notes - openAi dijit labs automates data extraction invoices and delivery notes OCR IA Dijit.app

"Discover Dijit.app, the leading OCR and AI solution for accurate, fast and easy digitalization of data from delivery notes and invoices from your suppliers"