


The most powerful combination for document management: OCR with GPT-4o AI

Optimize inventory management and cost control: the power of OCR

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The inventory management, margin control and expense tracking and analysis are key elements in any business, but they can be especially important in sectors such as hospitality, manufacturing, retail and wholesale stores, logistics and construction, due to the large number of suppliers, products and raw materials involved. In many cases, inventory management can be a tedious and complicated task, but essential for the success of the business. 

The technology of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) OCR can help streamline the extraction of data from delivery notes and supplier invoices, which in turn can improve cost control, raw material pricing, and inventory management. OCR streamlines the extraction of data from delivery notes and supplier invoices in real time, for a better understanding of product or service costs and prices, allowing businesses to make informed decisions about sales price and margins, as well as optimize inventory management.

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How OCR helps simplify data extraction from packing slips

OCR is a technology that enables data extraction from scanned documents and images, making it a valuable tool for simplifying and improving inventory management, pricing, and accounting in businesses with multiple vendors and products.

In the case of delivery notes, OCR can extract key data such as product description, quantities and unit prices, as well as supplier details, date and delivery note number. It can also help to reconcile delivery notes and invoices. This allows a better understanding of the costs and prices of products or services, which in turn facilitates inventory management and purchase price control.

For invoices, OCR can automatically extract all necessary tax data, such as vendor name and tax identification number, date, invoice number, and total amount, simplifying the overall accounting process. . 

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How OCR helps simplify expense control

The automatic extraction of data from delivery notes offered by OCR can help simplify the control of expenses in real time. By simply taking a photo or dragging the PDF into the software, data is extracted and updated in real time, allowing for immediate analysis. This in turn can help improve margins by making it easier to identify the costs of products or services. With OCR, businesses can better understand their costs and make informed decisions about selling price and margins. In addition, some OCR systems allow integration with sales systems, which allows even more rigorous control of the income and exits of the business. In general, OCR allows for greater accuracy and efficiency in the control of expenses and margins, which in turn can have a significant impact on the profitability of the business.

How OCR helps improve margin control

Time blocking is very effective for several reasons. First, it encourages deep, focused work, allowing you to focus all of your mental energy on a single task, project, or problem. By allocating a specific period of time to work on just one thing, it's easier to stay focused and develop the mental skills necessary for deep work. This helps you to be more productive and improves the quality of your work.


The blocking time also helps to complete surface work efficiently. Light work is the apparent tasks that are urgent but not important to achieving your long-term goals, like document management or answering most emails. By allocating a limited time to perform these tasks, set clear limits on how much time you spend on them. Also, grouping similar tasks reduces the cost of context switching. By packing all of your superficial tasks into a dedicated time block or two, you'll be able to perform them more efficiently and save the rest of your workday for higher-impact tasks.

How OCR helps inventory control

In addition to helping simplify cost and margin control, OCR can also be a valuable inventory control tool. With the automatic extraction of data from delivery notes, OCR can help businesses control the inflow and outflow of products or raw materials. By pulling the quantities delivered by suppliers, businesses can easily update their inventory records and ensure that inventory levels are always up to date.

Some OCR systems also allow direct integration with inventory control systems, which means that the extracted data can be imported directly into the system without the need for manual intervention. In other cases, the data can be exported in Excel format and then imported into the inventory control system.

In both cases, OCR can help simplify and improve inventory control, which in turn can have a significant impact on business efficiency and profitability.

OCR benefits for businesses such as hospitality, manufacturing, retail stores, wholesalers, logistics and construction

Businesses in industries such as hospitality, manufacturing, retail, wholesale, logistics, and construction can especially benefit from OCR. By enabling automatic data extraction from packing slips, OCR can help simplify inventory management, invoice management, and accounting, which in turn can improve cost control and margins.


OCR technology is a valuable tool to simplify and improve the management of inventories, expenses and margins in businesses with multiple suppliers and products. Dijit.app is one of the few OCR tools in the world that extracts data from packing slips efficiently and accurately.

As demonstrated in this article, OCR can help companies in sectors such as hospitality, manufacturing, retail and wholesale stores, logistics, and construction to simplify inventory management and control expenses, thus improving their profitability.

With Dijit.app, businesses can automate and streamline the process of extracting data from delivery notes, optimizing inventory management, price control, and accounting. In general, Dijit.app is an essential tool for businesses that want to improve efficiency and profitability in managing their inventories and controlling expenses.

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